4 research outputs found

    Managing Soft-errors in Transactional Systems

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    Abstract-Multicore architectures are becoming increasingly prone to soft-errors -i.e., transient faults caused by external physical phenomena such as electric noise and cosmic particle strikes. With increasing core counts, the soft-error rate is growing due to the accelerating transistor density on chips. The impact of these errors on business-critical applications that are being deployed on multicore hardware can be significant. We present an active replication-based approach that fully masks such errors for transactional applications. We partition computational cores, fully replicate objects across partitions, and concurrently execute transactional requests on all partitions, thereby enabling completely local object accesses. Transactional requests are globally ordered and delivered across partitions using optimistic atomic broadcast. Hardware message passing -an important emerging trend in multicore architectures -is exploited to mitigate communication costs. We report preliminary results obtained with an implementation of our approach on a 36-core Tilera TILE-Gx hardware, with an onchip scalable mesh network

    Brief Announcement: Managing Resource Limitation of Best-Effort HTM

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    ABSTRACT The first release of hardware transactional memory (HTM) as commodity processor posed the question of how to efficiently handle its best-effort nature. In this paper we present Part-HTM, the first hybrid transactional memory protocol that solves the problem of transactions aborted due to the resource limitations (space/time) of current best-effort HTM. The basic idea of Part-HTM is to partition those transactions into multiple sub-transactions, which can likely be committed in hardware. Due to the eager nature of HTM, we designed a low-overhead software framework to preserve transaction's correctness (with and without opacity)

    انتاجية محصول عباد الشمس وتركيبه المعدنى تحت نظم الصرف المختلفة بالأراضى المصرية المتأثرة بالأملاح

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    Salt affected soils are one of the more adverse media for the plant growth in world wide. These problematic soils conditions have negatively affect water and nutrients movement and uptake, thus seriously hampering crop production. Sunflower (Heliamthus annuus L.) yields became highly consumptive and needed for human and animals feed. In a middle north of Nile delta, this work was established under different drainage conditions to predict the yield of sunflower verities and their nutritional composition. The obtained results show that tile drainage system was more efficient to reduce the water table depth, salinity and alkalinity conditions and increasing the values of saturated hydraulic conductivity comparatively with that of open drainage one. The content of macro and micronutrients in the studied soils were existed in sufficient amounts, consequently, the plants grown in these areas may be suffered from salt stress. Moreover, tile drained soils cultivated with the foreign sunflower variety (Fedok) were highly productive comparing with that planted by the local one (Giza 2). Besides, the obtained sunflower weight of (1000) seeds and oil% had a maximum values. Simple correlation coefficients and regression equations were statistically computed to express the relationship between some soil properties under different drainage conditions and the nutritional elements content as well as sunflower oil yield. The obtained results provide a promising option for the use of salt affected soils to produce oil seed crops, i.e., sunflower with supported and beneficial effect of tile drainage beside the use of improved plant varieties at the middle north of Nile Delta soils.تعتبر الأراضى المتأثرة بالأملاح واحدة من أكثر البيئات الغير ملائمة لنمو النباتات عبر العالم. حيث تؤثر مشاكل كلا من الملوحة والقلوية سلبياً على حركة وامتصاص الماء والأملاح مما يضر بشدة بإنتاجية المحاصيل المنزرعة. أجرى هذا العمل بمنطقة الحامول وسط شمال الدلتا بغرض التنبأ بإنتاجية أصناف مختلفة من عباد الشمس وقيمتها الغذائية تحت ظروف صرف حقلى مختلفة. أوضحت النتائج المتحصل عليها قدرة نظام الصرف المغطى على خفض مستوى الماء الأرضى وتحسين حالة الملوحة والقلوية وزيادة قيمة التوصيل الهيدروليكى المشبع ورفع الأنتاجية مقارنة بالأراضى ذات الصرف المكشوف والتى بدون صرف. وقد وجد أن المحتوى من العناصر الغذائية الكبرى والصغرى كان كافياً بجميع الأراضى تحت نظم الصرف المختلفة إلا أنه كان يتأثر إلى حد ما بمستوى الماء الأرضى ودرجة ملوحة وقلوية التربة، وبالتالى فأن النباتات النامية بهذه الأراضى قد تعانى من نقص بعض العناصر. علاوة على ذلك، أشارت نتائج كلا من وزن الألف بذرة ونسبة الزيت لصنف عباد الشمس المستورد (Fedok) كانتا أعلى من تلك المتحصل عليها من صنف (Giza 2). عبرت دراسة معامل الارتباط البسيط ومعادلات الانحدار عن العلاقة بين بعض خواص التربة تحت ظروف الصرف المختلفة ومحتوى النباتات من العناصر الغذائية وأيضاً نسبة الزيت. والنتائج المتحصل عليها تؤكد وتعطى دلالات مبشرة لاستخدام الأراضى المتأثرة بالأملاح بمناطق شمال دلتا النيل لإنتاج المحاصيل الزيتية (عباد الشمس) وذلك فى وجود التأثير المفيد لنظام الصرف المغطى إلى جانب زراعة سلالات نباتية محسنة